Accomplish: Body Love

We are coming to the end of my year of “accomplish,” but I’m not done making my mark. Getting my health in check was also a big goal of mine and with my business up and running it gave me some time to focus on myself. I first heard of Kelly Leveque from Rachel Hollis and ordered her book, Body Love, back in January with the best intentions. She also interviewed Kelly on her podcast in April (you can listen to the episode here).

I didn’t end up starting Body Love until November, but hey, I still have a little bit of 2019 left! Kelly is the nutritionist to one of my favorites, Jennifer Garner, as well as Jessica Alba, Molly Sims, Chelsea Handler, Kate Walsh, Emmy Rossum, and more! If you read Kelly’s book, you will quickly discover that she really knows her stuff. She’s a certified holistic nutritionist and has a postgraduate degree in clinical nutrition.

The main tenet of Body Love is to include the Fab Four in each of your meals. This includes protein, greens, fiber, and fat. She also encourages a daily smoothie and has a ton of fantastic recipes.

I loved the concept, and the book, and had been looking for a way to get healthier for a long time. She talks about all the damage sugar does to you and how it takes you on a crazy roller coaster of fake energy all day. Some of the symptoms she mentioned really resonated with me and made me want to try her plan for myself. Since I had pretty much been eating a bunch of garbage for months, I figured it would be quite an investment to get all the food and accessories to get started on this plan. I decided I would take a week to get used to each part of the plan before I added in something else. So the first week, I started by just making the Fab Four Smoothies for breakfast. This one was her Almond Joy recipe and it was DELICIOUS!

The second week, I added in lunches, which took a little more prep work, but I now have some great staples. This egg salad one is one of my favorites right now for lunch.

In the third week, I finally added in dinner which wasn’t too difficult because my husband has been doing Keto for a while. He had a lot of the ingredients on hand. Kelly’s Cowboy Skillet is my go to dinner recipe! It is quick, easy, and yummy! John loves it too so that makes it a win-win in my book.

One of the tips I received early on was to search for Kelly LeVeque in my podcast app and go back and listen to all of her various interviews for inspiration. There are some good ones! Kelly is also releasing a new book, Body Love Everyday, on December 30. It’s supposed to have a lot of new recipes in it and I can’t wait!

My goal was to be fully on the Body Love plan by the end of the year so I could hit 2020 running. Now that I have all the supplies on hand it has been pretty easy to stick to. I’m hoping to see some great initial results by the end of the year and will give you an update after I read the new book.

If you’re doing Body Love yourself, I would love to hear and tips and tricks you have.

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