I’m a little late on this one, but better late than never, right? Set your DVRs for what is shaping up to be a great summer lineup.
May 19
The Bachelorette (ABC)
Andi Dorfman is kicking things off on May 19 with another season of our favorite show. This season will be interesting because one of the contestants, Eric Hill, has since passed away. Hopefully, it will give people a chance to get to know him and maybe he will inspire us. Here’s a little taste of what we have in store this season:
You can read about Andi’s previous adventures on The Bachelor here.
June 2
Mistresses (ABC)
So I’m going to be honest here, I never finished last season. I was going to finish blogging it and I was saving them to watch later. So I think I am going to have a guilty pleasure Mistresses marathon before the season starts. This might be fun as I have two big trips coming up and I could probably get through the rest of the episodes on the plane.
You can catch up on my previous Mistresses recaps here.
June 11
Suits (USA)
We just watched the Suits season three finale, but not to worry, season four starts on June 11. The hubs will be happy to hear that – we love this show. In the finale, Mike decided to leave Pearson Spector and go legit. That was a bittersweet moment, but it will be interesting to see what happens to the characters now. Here is a preview of season four:
Graceland (USA)
This is another show that I started blogging about and saved the last few episodes to watch later than never did. Right now Comcast is offering the entire season On Demand so you can get caught up before the new season starts. You can also watch all of season one online here. I will definitely be taking advantage of this if not only for Daniel Sunjata. Here is a preview of season 2:
Here are my recaps of the first half of last season if you want to check it out.
June 22
True Blood (HBO)
So sad that it’s the last season of True Blood, but there are a lot of questions to be answered in Season 7. What happened to Eric? We thought Sookie would finally end up with Warlow, but he turned out to be a jerk. Surprisingly, Bill and company saved her, is there still a chance for those crazy kids to work things out? But hold up – fast forward six months into the future and Sookie is apparently with Alcide (what a rip off if you had been waiting forever to see them hook up and they just glossed over it!). Sam is the mayor and Tara may have reconciled with her mother once and for all. The preview for the final season looks pretty good, I can’t wait:
For my previous True Blood recaps, click here.
Falling Skies (TNT)
Season three definitely delivered on the finale and as we thought the Volm were up to no good. The 2nd Mass’ saviors turned out to be their downfall. Karen finally bought the bullet, but we did find out that Anne and Alexis were still alive. It will be interesting to see how the 2nd Mass gets out of this newest challenge now that the Eshpeni are gone.
If you have no idea what I’m talking about but want to get into Falling Skies, check out my recaps from Season 3 here.
June 24
Covert Affairs (USA)
Annie went all the way last season and finally killed Henry. I’m not sure what that will mean for season 5, but here’s a sneak peek:
June 30
Under the Dome (CBS)
This is another show that I watch with the hubs. This show is so weird, but we keep watching it, go figure… I assume that since it is back for Season two, the network will step it up a bit. With Stephen King at the helm, this is bound to get interesting.
July 6
Witches of East End (Lifetime)
I forgot about this one until Kerry from Till Then Smile Often reminded me. I watched the first season and this really warmed up at the finale. The portal to Asgard was opened and something came out, who knows what…Killian and Dash got their powers, unbeknownst to them and it will be interesting to watch them learn to use them in season two.
August 4
Bachelor in Paradise (ABC)
I cannot wait for this show. I am actually more excited about this than I am for Andi’s season. I can’t wait to see who will be case and how this show will work. More to come on this one soon I hope!
What shows are you most looking forward to this summer?
For more TV recaps, click here.

I am is excited for some of these shows to come back! Witches of east end I’m adding to the list too!
Kerry recently posted…Plum and Brie Crostini
I forgot to add that one -I will update it, the first season was awesome!
I totally forgot about some of these! Thanks for the reminder. Another show I like is Rookie Blue, which is back next month.
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