Shakespeare Challenge

Last year, I read “By Any Other Name” by Jodi Picoult, as part of Mix and Match Mama’s Book Club and I was hooked. The book tells parallel stories about present-day playwright, Melina Green and her ancestor Emilia Bassano, a ward of English aristocrats. The premise is that Emilia was the true author of Shakespeare’s works. While this book is fictional, it is based on a real theory (you can read more about it here).

This book reignited my love for Shakespeare. I’ve read and seen many of his plays, but I haven’t read them all. My personal favorite is Hamlet, but after finishing this book, I want to read them all. I’ve seen a few Shakespeare Challenges online, some people focus on reading all of his works in one year, but I don’t want to limit myself.

This sort of ties into my word of the year, Legacy. I’ve also thought about putting together a classic reading list to go through. When I was growing up, my mom had a beautiful collection of classics in our library. Unfortunately, I don’t have them anymore, but I would love to start collecting the classics, so one day Cassie will be able to enjoy them.

For this challenge, I will be working through each of Shakespeare’s 38 plays. He also has 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and several other poems. I will try to work in all of these as I go. I also would like to see all of the plays as well, but it might not always work to read and then immediately see the play, so I will have to keep a checklist and watch out for the ones that are coming up in my area. I stumbled upon this cute little book by Allie Ensiri “Shakespeare for Every Day of the Year” and am going to start with it to inspire me as I go.

Shakespeare for Every Day of the Year

Instead of doing 38 individual posts for this, I’m going to continue adding to this post as I go, and then I will write a new post quarterly to update you on my progress and thoughts so it doesn’t get too long. For this challenge, I’m going in chronological order, so I’ll start with Two Gentlemen of Verona. I also want to source a beautiful keepsake copy of each play that I can keep in my library forever. I’ve been having fun searching eBay for early copies; surprisingly, they aren’t very expensive. I decided on a hardcover version from 1898. I love the idea that it brings so much history with it, so I will try to continue this as I collect them all!

Stay tuned as I will update this post with my thoughts on Two Gentleman of Verona and the next read. In the meantime, let me know your favorite Shakespeare play.

For more Be the Best You posts, click here.

One Little Word: Legacy

Welcome 2025! If you’ve followed me for a while, you know I’ve been on a self-improvement journey since 2017 when I started The Miracle Morning. Looking back on some of these old posts makes me realize how much I’ve grown since then. In 2019, I started choosing One Little Word to help guide and direct me.

  • In 2019 it was Accomplish and I started my own business.
  • In 2020, it was Discipline, which helped me stay focused during the pandemic.
  • In 2021, it was Prioritize, as we welcomed sweet Cassie to the world I wanted to make sure I was focusing on the things that mattered.
  • In 2022, it was Savor as I strived to soak up every little moment of motherhood.
  • In 2023, it was Consistency, to try to stick with things instead of starting new things and not seeing them through.
  • In 2024, it was Elevate, to help push me forward and make radical change.

This year I wanted to focus more on what mattered very similar to my Prioritize year. But that was more of a Prioritize because I had a new baby/survival mode situation. This year I want to be very intentional with what I spend my time on and focus on what I’m building. What is my life’s work? How would I want to be remembered? What do I want to build for my daughter, family, and business? I have been very aware that I am building core memories and routines for Cassie that will stay with her for the rest of her life. So what kind of person am I? What kind of mother do I want to be?

This led to me choosing LEGACY for 2025!

In everything I do, I will consider the legacy it is building towards. As a mother, you automatically create a powerful legacy for your child. You will be the source of their childhood memories and lay the foundation for who they will become. So how do I want my daughter to see me?

I also tend to get wrapped up and spend a lot of time on side projects that take away from the most important things in my life. So as I go through the year, I want to have a clear sense of what kind of legacy I’m trying to build so I know what things to block out and not give my precious time to.

Instead of being so specifically goal-oriented this year, I wanted to focus on the memories and the legacy that I’m creating. How do I want people to feel, what do I want them to remember? It’s not enough to just take the vacation but to make sure that I’m present in the moment and enjoying all the people who are there with me. Making memories and building a legacy is the sort of energy I want to bring to everything in my life this year.

I Iove adding a piece of jewelry to remind me of my word. I wore last year’s Elevate ring daily. This year I found a fun customizable bracelet from Bauble Bar ($34).

What’s your word for 2025? Let me know in the comments.

For more Be the Best You posts, click here.

One Little Word: Elevate

I first started choosing One Little Word for the year in 2019, and it made all the difference! Ever since then, I’ve chosen a word every year that helps guide me and gives me direction.

  • In 2019 it was Accomplish and I started my own business.
  • In 2020, it was Discipline, which helped me stay focused during the pandemic.
  • In 2021, it was Prioritize, as we were welcoming sweet Cassie to the world I wanted to make sure I was focusing on the things that mattered.
  • In 2022, it was Savor as I strived to soak up every little moment of motherhood.
  • In 2023, it was Consistency, to try to stick with things instead of starting new things and not seeing them through. I feel like I’ve done a good job with this one as I’ve stuck to so many new habits and processes that I’ve brought into my life. Which is what has led me to choose this year’s word.

2024’s word is ELEVATE!

When I was thinking about my word and what I wanted to accomplish in the new year, I kept coming back to the idea that I’ve been stuck doing the same things over and over again, but that I’ve not necessarily made any progress in some of the things I’ve been trying to be consistent at. I wanted 2024 to be the year that I took things to the next level.

Each word has helped push me forward, but I want this to be the year that I make radical change. I don’t want to get to December and realize that I have the same goals for 2025 that I’ve had every other year. One of the books that I’ve read recently that has helped me dig into this word is Atomic Habits by James Clear. In the book, Clear talks about getting 1% better and states “If you get one percent better each day for one year, you’ll end up thirty-seven times better by the time you’re done.” Between this theory and habit stacking, I can take that consistency and discipline to the next level and get incrementally better at reaching my goals one step at a time.

The other part of this is to not let outside factors affect my goal trajectory. This includes getting distracted and derailed by the little dramas that happen each day. And let’s be honest, there will be lots of life distractions, especially with a toddler, but the important thing is to get back to the goals as soon as possible and not let the distractions derail me.

For each word, I like to get myself a piece of jewelry that constantly reminds me of my focus for the year. I’ve done bracelets before, but this year I went with a gold ring from Lemon Lime Creations on Etsy. I’m loving it so much, I’m considering going back and getting rings for the other words.

What’s your word for 2024? Let me know in the comments.

For more Be the Best You posts, click here.

Thoughts on 38

Tomorrow I celebrate my 38th birthday! Finishing out my year with a global pandemic wasn’t really what I had in mind, but it’s helped me to focus on what’s important and where I want to go in my 38th year. Before I get into celebration mode, I wanted to reflect on what it means to me to have 38 years of experience under my belt.

There’s a popular TikTok sound going around about romanticizing your life and it goes “You have to start romanticizing your life. You have to start thinking of yourself as the main character because if you don’t — life will continue to pass you by. And all the little things that make it so beautiful will continue to go unnoticed. So take a second, and look around and realize that it’s a blessing for you to be here right now.” You can read more about the trend here. I really LOVE this trend and thought that I would make it my theme for my 38th year. So here are 38 ways I’m going to “romanticize my life” this year.

1 Treating myself at least once a week

I have a few things that I consider “treats,” just little things that make me feel fancy. This doesn’t have to be expensive, it could be something small. They include getting macarons, going for a pedicure, stopping by Sephora for my PERK facial (if it opens up again), or anything that makes me feel special. I will start sharing these on my Instagram with #TreatYoSelf!

2 Keep putting myself first

After I started the Miracle Morning I saw some amazing changes in my life. I am committed to doing the SAVERS as many days as I can and I can only hope to keep growing!

3 Meet a friend once a month for tea

You all know how much I LOVE my tea time so I thought it would be fun to meet a different friend for tea every month. It could be at one of the amazing tea rooms around town or at my house or on a Zoom call.

4 Celebrate the small (and large) wins

When I first started my business, I would bring home a bottle of champagne for every small win. I’ve stopped doing that along the way and need to get back in the habit of celebrating every small victory. I heard Rachel Hollis mention naming your bottles of champagne for different goals which I love!

5 Plan a monthly brunch date

I LOVE having brunch with the girls and/or John. It makes for such a fun Sunday that I always end up wondering why I don’t do it more.

6 Spend time outdoors everyday

I was listening to Kelly LeVeque’s podcast a while back and she interviewed a cognitive neuroscientist about memory. He shared how important it was to start your day by getting outside and seeing actual sunlight to help boost your Vitamin D production. I could take my morning tea outside or just stand outside when I let Sport out every morning. I also love the idea of connecting with the outdoors on a daily basis.

7 Fresh Flowers

would love to have fresh flowers around the house all the time! Even if I just pick up a bouquet at the grocery store, it’s enough to really brighten up the house. Maybe this is the year that I get a monthly flower delivery like Flowers for Dreams or one of those everlasting flower boxes.

8 Enjoy every second with Skyler

I adore my 2 year-old niece Skyler! She loves to play and get into all sorts of things. I want to remember to always make time to play with her and not get too busy and to get into the sandbox or play in the water with her even if it means I get dirty or ruin my manicure. These are the things I’m going to remember when she’s older.

Getting my feet buried!

9 Schedule regular spa appointments

I LIVE for massages and facials and as soon as I can get back into my favorite places I want to start getting a monthly massage and Hydrafacial. Or at least try to alternate and get one every other month.

10 Read more books

As a child, I was always reading. As soon as I opened a book I couldn’t put it down. That’s why I’m so excited about my “The Book Was Better” Book Club to hold me accountable for reading more this year. If you haven’t joined yet, get to it! We started out with Little Fires Everywhere.

11 Invest in a magazine subscription

When was the last time you spent the day reading through a magazine front to back? I used to get so many magazines in my youth, but sadly I only get them now when I’m at an airport or maybe pick one up in a waiting room. This year, I want to find an awesome magazine that I can take with me to all my appointments and really enjoy. Let me know your recommendations!

12 Celebrate every holiday like crazy!

This year I want to go all out for all the holidays, even the little ones like French Fry day! Sometimes I get lazy and forget to decorate or don’t get as into the fun of each different celebration. This year I want to throw all the parties, wear themed shirts and really enjoy every moment! What are some of your favorite holiday traditions?

13 Monthly Godiva

Did you know that you can get a free Godiva truffle every month as long as you sign up for Godiva’s reward program? Every year I tell myself that I’m going to take advantage of the program and I always forget. This year I’m going to treat myself!

14 Eat at the table

We have a nice dining room table and I own five sets of china (with a sixth set on the way) and most nights, we eat in front of the TV. Even if it’s only once a week, I would love to get the table set and dinner ready to go for my husband and make it a big production. John does most of the cooking so this would be a treat for him!

15 Stock the bar

For a while in quarantine, I was trying to make a new signature drink every week. I tried an Aperol Spritz, a blueberry cucumber Collins, and a Mojito. I would love to have a few things on hand to make these during happy hour or when a friend stops by to visit. I also want to work on my wine collection and collecting wines that age well.

16 Try something new

I’m a creature of habit and tend to stick to a lot of the same foods and routines. This year I want to enhance my experiences by trying new experiences. Maybe this will be taking a class and learning something new like going to the shooting range or it could be trying a new type of food. I am open to ideas!

17 Build a sleep wardrobe

Who else sleeps in leggings and a t-shirt? Or the oldest pajamas you own? This year I want to commit to getting a new set of luxurious pajamas each month (a set that I would not be embarrassed to get the mail in). Did anyone watch Revenge? I always LOVED Victoria Grayson’s sleepwear. She looked fabulously put together 24/7.

18 Date Night

I’ve been 50/50 about planning date nights with John. Sometimes I’ll get in a good grove for a while and other times it might be weeks before I plan something special. This year I want to make sure I have something special planned for us every week, even if it’s a movie date with special snacks and a theme.

19 Set phone/screen limits

I just discovered that you can set up screen time limits on your phone. I sometimes find myself mindlessly scrolling and I loved the idea that my phone can snap me out of it and tell me I’ve had enough for the day. I have SO many other things to do and don’t want to waste all my time reading comments on Facebook

20 Enjoy my house now

We’ve done some great updates to our house during quarantine, but I’m terrible about getting furniture on the walls and updating the decor. I also have dining room chairs that I’ve been dying to recover into something more modern. My goal this year is to start enjoying my house and make small improvements instead of waiting to finish a room in one big sweep.

21 Gratitude

I’ve started a little bit of a gratitude practice with my Start Today Journal. Every day you have to write down five things you’re grateful for. I’m trying to do a better job of really being in the moment and enjoying the wonderful things I have.

22 Take more pictures

I’ve been horrible about taking pictures of myself or me with friends as I get older. On my birthday this year, I had to remember to snap a few with Skyler because I always end up with a bunch of pictures of her, but us together. I don’t want to look back on these years and not be in any of the pictures. At the beginning of every get together I need to snap one with me and whoever I’m with to memorialize the moment.

23 Correspondence

Over the last few years I had started sending close friends birthday cards and special holiday cards in the mail so they would have something fun to open on special occasions. Plus who doesn’t like getting actual mail (that’s not bills or junk)? I’ve let it fall off a bit and REALLY want to get it going again. It was such a fun thing to do.

24 Music/Playlist

I rarely listen to music because I’m obsessed with podcasts but I’ve been thinking that I should add more music to my life. I mostly work at home now and want to start curating a few playlists for myself for work and for when I’m driving with people in my car. For now I’m partial to the French Cooking Music Radio on Pandora.

25 Have more fun

Most of the time I tend to stay at home and do work just because it’s there. If it’s not work for my business then it’s blog work or some other chore that needs to be done. I want to be more mindful of taking time out for fun activities instead of only working or spending my free time scrolling social media. This could be playing a board game at home, reading a book, or planning happy hour for my husband.

26 Channel Creativity

Creativity breeds creativity. To come up with more creative ideas for work I need to spend more time being creative during my personal time. I mentioned a few of my passions in this post including practicing the piano, calligraphy, and cake decorating.

27 Romanticize my relationship

Many years ago a friend told me about a website called The Dating Divas. I was trying to come up with some fun date ideas early in our marriage and let me tell you they have TONS of great ideas. I’ve seen their emails for years and want to try a few this year.

28 Start a weekend ritual

I love the idea of having something we do (or I do) every weekend. Whether it’s strolling up to the farmer’s market every Saturday, visiting a patisserie on Sundays, or having a spa day every Sunday night, I want to come up with something great. Let me know if you have ideas on this one!

29 Volunteer

During the first eight weeks of the pandemic, I volunteered at the Michigan Mask Donation Center on behalf of The Glamorous Moms Foundation. I loved being able to help during the crisis and hopefully can do more this year.

30 Friend dates

This year I wanted to make a special effort to see all of my friends on a good rotation throughout the year. Whether that’s over dinner, drinks, or brunch just making a plan seems to ensure these outings happen more regularly.

31 Pump my own tires

As someone in public relations, you think I would have an easier time of pumping myself up, but when it comes to writing bios, updating my career page, and promoting myself I find it difficult. Unfortunately, I don’t have that luxury now that I’m a business owner. This year I want to push past my comfort zone and really start to get out there as a business owner.

32 Shop local

I’ve been wanting to start a new series called Sip n’ Shop where I visit a new neighborhood each weekend for a cocktail and to hunt for amazing items. Supporting local businesses during this time is so important. Stay tuned for that new segment coming soon!

33 Enjoy the local arts and cultural activities

To add to #32, I also want to spend more time enjoying arts and culture at the great places we have around town. I can’t tell you the last time I was at a museum and that definitely needs to change!

34 Do nice things for other people

I always try to do this, but I want to be more intentional this year. Throwing in some random acts of kindness and also doing things like sending cards to friends, dropping off a casserole during a time of need, or offering help to a new mom. Let me know if you have any ideas!

35 Take time out for meals

I don’t know about you, but most of the time I find myself eating in the car or in front of the TV. I would love to have breakfast al fresco in my backyard or take an actual break for lunch instead of trying to do five things at once.

36 Travel

This will be a different year for travel, but just because we probably won’t be leaving the country doesn’t mean I can’t travel throughout Michigan and still explore our great country! There are so many places I haven’t been yet!

37 Get organized

Your space can reflect your mood! If you have clutter in your house or your favorite spaces it can make you feel stress. I have seen so many organizer TikToks lately and it is motivating me to get my spaces organized and create a fun ambiance so I can enjoy them.

38 Invest in a special scent

I have SO many perfume samples, but I don’t have one special scent that’s my go-to. I would love to invest in a fun one that I wear on special occasions or when I’m having a big day. Maybe even different scents for different occasions as I build up my collection.

What are some ways that you’ve romanticized your life?

The Book Was Better Book Club: Little Fires Everywhere

I’ve always LOVED to read. As a child, I would refuse to go to sleep until my parents read to me, no matter how late it was. In elementary school, I would read while walking down the hall. During recess, I would sit on the bench and read instead of running around getting chased by boys. The recess monitor told my mom that I should be playing instead of reading and my mom told her where to stick it. HA! I figured it was time to bring my love of books to the blog and start a Detroit Duchess Book Club!

As I talk about TV and pop culture, I thought I would specifically focus on books that have a TV or movie tie-in. I don’t know about you, but I am obsessed with reading the book first before I watch the show or movie. We will officially call the group: Detroit Duchess: The Book was Better.

Here’s how it will work. I will kick things off by selecting my Book Club pick and announce it on the blog. I will give you a week to pick it up/order it/rent it from the library/download it and then we will start reading. I’ve created a private Detroit Duchess Book Club Facebook Group so we can discuss the current book as we read through it. So click the link to join and follow along!

Right before our official Book Club meeting, I will encourage all of you to watch the movie and/or series. Some of these will be longer than a month depending on whether it is a movie book or a TV series book. At the end of the month or longer, I will host a Facebook Live discussion where we will share our thoughts about the book/movie/show and you can chime in, ask questions, and give me your feedback.

I’ve been dying to watch the Little Fires Everywhere series on Hulu, but have been holding off until I could read the book. I figured this was the perfect book to start with. I can’t wait to see the fashion that Reese Witherspoon and Kerry Washington bring to the series. You can order the book here-I’ve found it for $6 on Amazon!

The schedule will run as follows:

Let me know if you’ll be joining The Book is Better Book Club and if you have any recommendations for future selections!

The 5-Hour Rule

I read this article last year, about how the majority of self-made millionaires spend an average of five hours a week (one hour a day) learning or practicing. This article mentions titans like Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and more that all adhere to the five-hour rule.

I’ve been doing some of this with my Miracle Morning practice, but wanted to do more. In my youth, I took a number of classes and learned a ton of different skills that I’ve let lapse over the years. I thought a great goal for 2020 would be to bring some of these talents/skills back to life. I also find that having creative outlets helps to inspire me in my daily work.


I took piano lessons for many years, up until we moved to Michigan and I started high school. A few years ago, we moved the family piano to my house and part of the reason I wanted it here was so I could pick it back up again.

I can still read music pretty easily and have a number of songs I can play, the problem is all of my instructional books are for children. I can play plenty of rounds of Hickory, Dickory, Dock, but I’d rather play something more in line with my age. I found this book, called Returning to the Piano: A Refresher Book for Adults ($19.99) and it’s perfect for someone like me who can already read music. It has a number of adult songs like “What a Wonderful World,” Sweet Home Alabama,” and “Stand by Me.”

I figure if I commit to 30 minutes of practice a day, I could definitely master some of these songs.

Cake Decorating

My sister and I spent a few summers taking these fun classes offered at our school, which included Wilton Cake Decorating courses. I didn’t do much with it after that until after I graduated college. I really got into it then and made a number of fun cakes. I stopped before we got into fondant, but I can do flowers and roses. People LOVE a themed cake, the reaction you get is always the most fun. I think it would be fun to do a monthly baking project to keep my skills up-to-date. It’s been so long since I made a cake that all my impressive creations are in a shoebox somewhere. I once did this insane cross cake for Easter with tons of little flowers and roses that I spent so much time making in advance.

Horseback Riding

In the summer after the third or fourth grade (I can’t remember exactly), I started attending horsecamp with the Girl Scouts. I spent weeks learning to care for and ride horses. I loved it so much that I started taking lessons, until we moved and I started high school. I was at the point where we had started to do some small jumps. Unfortunately, I haven’t ridden in SO long, but I would love to get back into it. Not just the riding part, but grooming and caring for horses as well. I found a few places in Michigan where I could get back into lessons. It might be something Skyler and I could do together once she gets older. First things first, I need some ducky boots and a riding helmet. Ducky boots are great for riding, because you need a heel, but you can also wear them to muck out stables and anything else. I liked these Liyuandian Womens Lace Up Duck Boots Waterproof Two Tone Combat Calf Rain Shoes ($40.98).


Ever since I found out that Meghan Markle used to do calligraphy to help out when she first started in the acting business, I’ve been wanting to get back into it. This is one of those things I took a class on in my childhood and loved it! My pens are all old now, so I would need to get some new supplies, but I think it would be really fun to start practicing with my Start Today Journal. I found this Modern Calligraphy: A Beginner’s Guide to Pointed Pen and Brush Pen Lettering ($24) on Amazon to get me started.


I’ve mentioned before how I’m a big Yankees fan, it’s a fun tradition between my dad and I. When I was younger, I used to play softball and would practice all the time with my dad. I wasn’t a star athlete by any means. but always made up for it with enthusiasm.

Look how cute I was!

A while back, I heard that the Yankees organization runs a fantasy camp for women and I thought it would be really awesome to go one year. BUT, I am totally out of practice and would have to work on it. I definitely need a new glove so I could practice with my husband. I love this Rawlings Player Preferred Adult Baseball/Softball Glove Series ($40.27), it’s classic.

What skills do you want to brush up on or learn in 2020? My goal is to spend five hours a week working on each of these things, I will probably re-master one at a time instead of trying to do them all at once. How can you make the 5-hour rule work for you?

For more Be the Best You posts, click here.

Why I Love Adjunct Teaching

I get SO many questions about my role as an adjunct professor; I can’t believe I haven’t talked about it here before. Today I wanted to share more details on my second job including how I got into it and why I love teaching!

When John and I got engaged in 2009, I was looking for a way to make extra money to help save for the wedding. I remember a few of my friends taking extra retail jobs on the side to save up for some pricier wedding items when they got married. I was right in the beginning of my career and already working a lot of unpredictable hours and I couldn’t imagine having to leave my day job and head over to a retail store to work the night away.

Throwback to 2009!

One of my friends randomly mentioned to me that I should look into teaching since I had a Master’s degree. I didn’t realize teaching was something I could do, I always thought that it was something you might consider when you retired. So shout out to everyone with a Master’s degree – you are eligible to teach at the college level! After she planted the seed, I started looking into it and I found a friend of a friend that had done it before. I met her for lunch and picked her brain on how to get started.

The first thing you need to do is develop a Curriculum Vitae (CV), it’s like a resume, but structured for academia. Then I just started looking for adjunct jobs and applied. I got a break early on at The Art Institute of Michigan. They were looking for someone to teach public relations for their fashion students.

Before I could land the job, I had to come in for a teaching audition. I prepared a PR 101 presentation, practiced it on John a few times, and then presented it to a room of faculty. They liked the presentation and I got the job! I ended up teaching a variety of classes at The Art Institute for six years.

A few years ago, I was getting busy at work and The Art Institute decided to close its Michigan location so I stopped teaching. Not long after I started my own business (you can read more about that here), a position opened up at The University of Michigan – Dearborn (my alma mater)! This was such an amazing opportunity for me, especially since I had taken the same classes and graduated from the same program.

I LOVE teaching, but aside from that, it’s become a great way for me save up for big events and vacations. If you’re looking to get into teaching, here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Finish your Master’s degree
  • Turn your resume into a curriculum vitae (CV)
  • Find opportunities to guest lecture at local universities (you can add those opportunities to your CV later)
  • Start with private universities – they offer a lot of guidance and training upfront and smaller class sizes which is great when you are new to teaching
  • Draft your own “teaching philosophy

Aside from being a great side hustle, I love teaching and mentoring students at the beginning of their careers. It can be so rewarding and it’s a great opportunity for me to continue sharpening my skills.

If you are an adjunct drop me a line, I would love to connect!

Glamorous Moms Foundation

Ever since I started my Miracle Morning journey, one of my goals has been to get more involved in charitable causes whether that was by donating, supporting events or volunteering my time. One of the books that really charged me to define the causes I felt most passionate about was Jean Shafiroff’s Successful Philanthropy. Shafiroff encourages readers to identify the causes that are most important to them and really focus on them versus trying to do a little bit of everything. One of the causes that I am most passionate about is supporting mothers and children.

When my friend Shannon, from Glamorous Moms, launched her own nonprofit organization, the Glamorous Moms Foundation, I was thrilled to join the board and support mothers and children. Our mission is to provide support, inspire, and build confidence in women and children in our community to enhance the quality of life, leading them to health, happiness, and safety. We provide a giving and comforting community that educates, strengthens and supports moms, expectant moms, women, and children who need it most.

We support other service organizations by providing comfort and life necessities (education, daily needs, and monetary support) to women and children to make meaningful change. Our first project was a toy drive over the holidays that allowed us to donate to a number of organizations over the past few months.

We have a number of exciting things coming up including our annual Glamorous Luncheon on May 16. If you’re in the metro Detroit area, I would love for you to join us!

I’m thrilled to be involved in this organization and to be able to get more involved with the cause. I can’t wait to see what we can do in 2020 and beyond!

One Little Word: Discipline

Last year was my first year choosing One Little Word and I had a pretty mind-blowing year. It’s one thing I can definitely credit to my word selection. In 2019, I chose Accomplish as my word, and boy did I Accomplish some stuff. My biggest accomplishment was starting my own business, something that I had been dreaming about ever since starting the Miracle Morning. So let’s just say 2019 will be a hard act to follow.

Now that I’ve “accomplished” some pretty big things, 2020 is more about maintaining and building on these accomplishments. I wanted a word that embodied hard work and consistency. One of my favorite quotes from Jim Rohn is “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” This sums up what I need to do in 2020.

For 2020, my word of the year is Discipline! This year is all about staying on track and keeping the momentum from 2019. I hit up Target right away to get my own Rachel Hollis Priority Planner, Start Today Journal, and 2020 Vision Calendar so I could stay motivated. I’m loving them so far!

Last year I had a fantastic bracelet that helped keep my word top of mind and pushed me forward. This year I need something similar and I found this great bracelet on Etsy with an Abraham Lincoln quote that’s speaking to me, “Discipline is choosing between what you want now, and what you want most.” It’s only $25 and you can find it here.

Here are a few additional quotes and bible verses that reinforce Discipline for me:

What’s your word for 2020? If you are using Discipline this year I would love to see any other quotes you’ve found for it! Cheers to a fantastic 2020 everyone!

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Accomplish: Body Love

We are coming to the end of my year of “accomplish,” but I’m not done making my mark. Getting my health in check was also a big goal of mine and with my business up and running it gave me some time to focus on myself. I first heard of Kelly Leveque from Rachel Hollis and ordered her book, Body Love, back in January with the best intentions. She also interviewed Kelly on her podcast in April (you can listen to the episode here).

I didn’t end up starting Body Love until November, but hey, I still have a little bit of 2019 left! Kelly is the nutritionist to one of my favorites, Jennifer Garner, as well as Jessica Alba, Molly Sims, Chelsea Handler, Kate Walsh, Emmy Rossum, and more! If you read Kelly’s book, you will quickly discover that she really knows her stuff. She’s a certified holistic nutritionist and has a postgraduate degree in clinical nutrition.

The main tenet of Body Love is to include the Fab Four in each of your meals. This includes protein, greens, fiber, and fat. She also encourages a daily smoothie and has a ton of fantastic recipes.

I loved the concept, and the book, and had been looking for a way to get healthier for a long time. She talks about all the damage sugar does to you and how it takes you on a crazy roller coaster of fake energy all day. Some of the symptoms she mentioned really resonated with me and made me want to try her plan for myself. Since I had pretty much been eating a bunch of garbage for months, I figured it would be quite an investment to get all the food and accessories to get started on this plan. I decided I would take a week to get used to each part of the plan before I added in something else. So the first week, I started by just making the Fab Four Smoothies for breakfast. This one was her Almond Joy recipe and it was DELICIOUS!

The second week, I added in lunches, which took a little more prep work, but I now have some great staples. This egg salad one is one of my favorites right now for lunch.

In the third week, I finally added in dinner which wasn’t too difficult because my husband has been doing Keto for a while. He had a lot of the ingredients on hand. Kelly’s Cowboy Skillet is my go to dinner recipe! It is quick, easy, and yummy! John loves it too so that makes it a win-win in my book.

One of the tips I received early on was to search for Kelly LeVeque in my podcast app and go back and listen to all of her various interviews for inspiration. There are some good ones! Kelly is also releasing a new book, Body Love Everyday, on December 30. It’s supposed to have a lot of new recipes in it and I can’t wait!

My goal was to be fully on the Body Love plan by the end of the year so I could hit 2020 running. Now that I have all the supplies on hand it has been pretty easy to stick to. I’m hoping to see some great initial results by the end of the year and will give you an update after I read the new book.

If you’re doing Body Love yourself, I would love to hear and tips and tricks you have.

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