This week on White Collar, Peter (Tim DeKay) and Neal (Matt Bomer) mourn the loss of Agent Siegel (Warren Kole). Unfortuntely, there are few leads and the team needs to continue working on active cases.
Peter wants to start on a boring accounting case, until someone walks into the office and confesses to a crime. A very weird crime that he can’t remember the details of.
The investigation takes an odd turn when the bank won’t report anything stolen. The team finds a common link between the thief and the owner of the safety deposit box, a psychiatrist, Dr. Mara Summers (Elizabeth Marvel). Summers was treating our thief for his compulsions as a felon. So of course, Neal goes undercover to pose as one of her patients.
After the first session, Neal realizes that Dr. Summers drugged him and that is how she manipulates her patients over time. This is a problem for Neal because he has no idea what he may have told her under the influence. The only way to find out is to have Mozzie (Willie Garson) drug him again to remember their conversation.
This takes a turn when Neal decides to confess his sins to Peter while he is under the influence. Elizabeth (Tiffani Thiessen) and Peter find the whole situation weird, but Peter starts to use this to his advantage and ask Neal questions about Seigel. Thank goodness Mozzie rescues him in the nick of time before he gets himself into trouble.
Elizabeth wears white jeans, a navy sweater and a brown cardigan. I found a Michael Kors Tank ($23.70), a Kim Rodgers Cardigan ($28.80) and Gap Skinny Jeans ($22.99):
In a classic move, Neal decides to drug the doctor and get her to confess to the crime. What’s interesting is that when Peter went to retrieve the $2 million it wasn’t there. Neal went there first and got the money to give to Mozzie to get him back on his feet.
Neal decides that he is still a criminal and he likes being one. He is coming back to the life with Mozzie, but he has too many masters and needs to cut some out.
WOW! I didn’t see that coming. What do you think Neal will do next?
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If you missed this week’s episode, you can still watch it online here.
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