I have loved makeup and beauty products ever since I was a little girl playing with my Fazz makeup (does anyone remember Fazz?)
I was also blessed with great skin which makes makeup really fun for me. My hair on the other hand, not so much. I have baby fine hair, so fine in fact I might actually be partly bald. But wait, you say, “Your hair looks long and thick in pictures.” It’s not – this is achieved with lots of tricks which I am planning to share with you on this blog.
My husband just got me a new Solano SuperSolano 3500Lite hair dryer partly because he was probably tired of hearing my old Conair dryer sputtering on its last leg every morning and partly because he knew I had it on my wish list and he spoils me.
I first heard about this dryer from an interview in Allure with Emily Maynard’s hair dresser. You can read it here. After I started researching it seemed to be the gold standard in hair dryers.
I have been using the Solano for about a week now and it is leaps and bounds better than my old hair dryer. It is lightweight, quiet and it puts out a powerful airstream. It has cut my drying time in half and I barely have to use the round brush anymore!
I am still trying to figure out my drying process:
My old process consisted of drying my hair upside down until it was mostly dry, dividing it into three sections and blowdrying it with the round brush.
Since the Solano is so powerful it is pretty much dry by the time I finish blowdrying it upside down. Now I just do a little round brush on the top. I have been trying not to use the round brush very much as it causes a lot of breakage (and I don’t have very much hair to start with).
Overall, I really like my new Super Solano! Let me know if you have any tips for blowdrying your hair.
I was not compensated for this review. All opinions expressed are my own.

I find that product is key to help with breakage, along with a great blow dryer. I always remove the extra water lightly by keep hear upright and moving around with finger-tips. Next, always blow dry your front bangs and crown first, as you are looking to create volume and you need a little bit of dampness with product to complete this. Lastly, smooth out remaining hair, which is hopefully mostly dry at this point.
Thanks Joy! These are great tips!