Hello readers! I’m back!
Long story short, 2016 was tough on a personal level and I was definitely pushed to my breaking point. This forced me to re-evaluate my priorities and focus on what was most important. I worked really hard and ended the year on top with a big promotion at work. I had planned to kick off the year with this post, but got hit with a bad case of pneumonia, which is why I’m hitting the restart button on 2017 now.
Last year, I was turned on to The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod and have been following parts of it ever since. I decided that I would really commit to it in 2017 and wanted to invite you to join me.
I first heard about The Miracle Morning on Episode 37 of the Marriage More podcast with Jeff and Mandy Rose. They interviewed Hal Elrod and I was blown away by his story! From being on top of the world to a horrific car accident, Hal had every reason to give up. But that’s not what he did. His optimism inspired me and I was hooked. From the podcast I was inspired to start getting up early and doing some of the things that Hal outlines in his miracle morning. After hearing this, I started listening to Hal’s podcast and then I bought and read the book.
Essentially, The Miracle Morning is a lifestyle change that will help you achieve Level 10 success in every aspect of your life. The crazy thing is it’s really simple. The premise is that you have to wake up early and then do a routine of self-improvement activities (Life SAVERS) before you start your day.
I’m inviting you to start this process with me for the next 30 days and I will outline a few of the things that I am going to focus on with my Life SAVERS.
On one of Hal’s podcasts, he recommended the Simply Being app to help with meditation and the times I’ve used it, I thought it was extremely helpful.
The next step is to write your affirmations down and review them every morning. Here is one that I liked and will use to kick this off.
I plan to do my Miracle Morning in our office, so I want to create a larger vision board that I can focus on during my SAVERS. I have a few small ones right now, but I want to make a bigger board for 2017.
Normally I love to walk Sport in the morning, but right now it’s too cold so I will be hitting my morning yoga class until it is warm enough to start walking him again.
To kick off the first 30-day challenge, I am planning to start reading 10% Happier by Dan Harris. Dan is a Nightline anchor who had a nationally televised panic attack on Good Morning America. Afterwards, he decided to make a change and learn about meditation. I’ve been listening to Dan’s podcast for a while and love it! I had no idea so many people meditate every day. I figured this would be a good book to start with as I will be meditating now.
The last SAVER is scribing or journaling. I am terrible at this, I hate writing my thoughts down on paper, but there are a number of benefits to doing this. Hal recommends The Winners’ Journal for this and I also have The 5-Minute Journal app to get me started.
Will you start The Miracle Morning Challenge with me? I loved this quote from the book and thought it would might help convince you.
For more Be the Best You posts, click here.

Elizabeth – excellent post! I’ve downloaded the book and will join you. Thank you for sharing!
Thanks Deanna! I completed Day 1 successfully so far and loved it!
Interesting, I haven’t heard of this book but it sounds like the author has some good tips.
Interesting! I’ve added this book to my list. I do however, already get up an hour earlier to workout so at least I am already doing part of it? So good to see you at naias, btw!
That’s how I started! Now just add another 15 minutes and expand from there!
Love this! Did you wake at 5:00 am? Sadly I don’t get up until 8 and felt I might shock myself by getting up three hours ahead of time…thought about starting at 6 and challenging myself to get to 5!
Haha I do! John is working out in the mornings now so we are both up early. Just start small and then add another 15 minutes when you are ready.
I’ve had a rough 2016 too. I wish I could say I’m starting 2017 with a bang, but health issues continue to have me down. I am so ready to get back to normal!
First of all, welcome back and congrats on your promotion at work! I’ve also been thinking about how to be more productive and how to grow personally and professionally this year. My commitments related to my own blog have been picking up. While I couldn’t be more thankful for that, it does add more work and stress to my day. An hour to myself in the morning sounds like a great idea!
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This is why I quit teaching after 20 years so I could teach mindfulness! It has changed so much of my life. I love to listen to kids tell me how they use mindfulness in their lives. For those who can’t do this in the morning, don’t think you cant do it at all! With my arthritis, I am way too stiff to work out in the morning, and I already get up at 5:30! So, it works better for me later in the day or in the evening. And, I use mindfulness throughout my day, whenever I need it. I have also read 10% Happier and LOVE it! Dan Harris also has a mindfulness podcast. I am so excited for you! We should get together and talk about how we can support each other. Have you considered a 10% Happier book club? Also, if there is a group of parents out there that would like to learn more about mindful parenting, or mindfulness for kids, I’d be happy to talk with them. So cool!!
I actually found out about Dan’s book from another podcast and started listening to his podcast first!
I want to read the 10% happier. I don’t think I can get up earlier than I already do. I do try to do yoga daily for myself.
First and foremost, it’s great to have you back in the blogging world!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts about The Miracle Morning. It seems like it’s what I need to turn my life around.
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Wonderful post to share. That’s amazing to read this miracle morning thoughts that would change one’s life.
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