We’ve finally reached the end of this random summer series. It grew on me more than I anticipated and now that it is over I am sorry to see it go. The last episode was great and left me wanting more, which is how it should be.
The intro sequence with Henry Goodwin (Scott Foley) was great! The only thing that was missing was maybe some Eye of the Tiger in his montage. That sequence was similar to a lot of my mornings, mostly the part about getting ready and then tripping over things and everything going wrong.
Chloe (Becki Newton) and Jimmy (TJ Miller) are basking in the afterglow of their relationships with Ivan (Adam Rodriguez) and April (Melissa Tang), but they both have different reasons for keeping them secret from Henry. Mostly because each of them are unethical in their own way.
As Chloe and Ivan say their goodbyes, she tells him about her special parking spot at school that always seems to be free whenever she arrives. She wears her Valentino heels (see the previous recap here) and an Herve Leger Riley Ombre Bandage Skirt ($572). I found a number of additional options in blue and plum at various price points.
Chloe and Jimmy want Henry to go through a box of their dad’s old things. Henry is avoiding it and decides to take it to Lucinda (Kat Foster) at the church as a donation. Henry is overwhelmed in all aspects of his life and he seems to be letting things drop through the cracks…someone is on his way to a nervous breakdown.
Chloe heads off to school and realizes that she doesn’t have a magic parking spot. April has been holding her spot with cones every day and moving them right before she arrives. Her father asked April to do this because Chloe gives up to easily. If she didn’t find a spot, she would probably skip class and go for yogurt.
The siblings are summoned to April’s office for another video from their dad. This week he gives each of them a riddle to solve:
- Jimmy: Hokey pokey steeple chase, answer this to win the race.
- Chloe: Trouble, eye of another spy, Chloe find him, fly goose fly.
- Henry: Green potato, rancid cow, old wild shoe, who’s sorry now.
I found this great blazer from BCBG Max Azria ($268) that is similar to the one Chloe wears above:
Jimmy stays behind so he can have another tryst with April. Chloe wonders if her father is meddling in Jimmy’s life too, through April. He dismisses this idea, but suggests that Ivan could be a setup which makes Chloe paranoid for the rest of the evening.
Chloe wears a Michelle Mason Peplum Dress ($143) for her date with Ivan. I assume that the costume department added in the touch of yellow to complement Chloe’s character theme:
On her date, Chloe starts to see parts of her riddle in what Ivan is saying, so she runs off. Then she confronts Ivan and breaks up with him because she assumes that he is in cahoots with her dad and April.
Henry’s wedding and hospital worlds are starting to collide. He gets called into his boss’ office and they tell him that he is overworking himself which is a liability for the hospital. They tell him to take a whole week off to get his head together. He starts to believe Chloe’s theory that someone is messing with them.
Henry gets home and starts freaking out. He finds out that Jimmy and April are sleeping together and that Chloe and Ivan are together. April admits that their father was just messing with them and that the riddles meant nothing. He wanted to remind them to enjoy the journey not just the destination.
Chloe calls Ivan and has him meet her at the bar to apologize. He accepts her apology, but is tired of getting his heart broken. She ends up going to his house to win him back over and it works!
Henry has a heart-to-heart with Lucinda and she gets him to admit that he is grieving and working too much as a coping mechanism. It’s too bad the show is over because I bet these two would get back together at some point.
April keeps trying to break up with Jimmy to no avail. She freaks out about where her job is going and that she is now sleeping with a felon. Jimmy tells her to listen to her heart and enjoy the journey.
The series ends in a touching moment with Henry going through his dad’s old stuff and finally saying goodbye.
What did you think of the Goodwin Games series finale? Was it everything you hoped it would be?
For more Goodwin Games recaps click here.
If you missed this episode you can purchase it on the iTunes Store for $2.99 or the entire series for $20.93.

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