Have you jumped on the facial roller train yet? I recently received a Rose Quartz roller of my own and am finally on the facial rolling bandwagon!
What’s the point of a facial roller? you may ask. Some people (aka, my husband) might say it’s a bunch of witchy voodoo, but there are several benefits to be had from facial rolling. The biggest benefit being lymphatic drainage.

They lymphatic system is what keeps your immune system working properly, but unlike your blood vessels, it doesn’t have a pump (your heart) to keep your lymphatic fluid moving. Your body will drain it naturally, but there is something to be said for giving it a little kick. Draining your lymphatic system can help reduce puffy eyes, swelling or blotchiness. It can also help increase blood flow and circulation to the skin.

There are a few different kinds of facial rollers you can get, Sephora has a collection of Amethyst, Jade, and Rose Quartz rollers to try. Each crystal has its own healing properties. I decided to start with the Rose Quartz as it’s known for love and healing. Apparently the ancient Egyptians believed that Rose Quartz could decrease wrinkles clear your complexion.

There are a few different ways you can use your facial roller, but the first thing you want to do is to charge your crystal. With the facial roller you can let it charge in direct moonlight and that will remove any negative energy surrounding the crystal.

You can also keep it in the refrigerator to cool it down and use it to apply serums and moisturizers. I like to use it on top of a sheet mask to really roll in those nutrients. Don’t forget to use it on your neck and decolletage.
Have you tried a facial roller yet? Let me know what you love about it!
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