One Little Word: Legacy

Welcome 2025! If you’ve followed me for a while, you know I’ve been on a self-improvement journey since 2017 when I started The Miracle Morning. Looking back on some of these old posts makes me realize how much I’ve grown since then. In 2019, I started choosing One Little Word to help guide and direct me.

  • In 2019 it was Accomplish and I started my own business.
  • In 2020, it was Discipline, which helped me stay focused during the pandemic.
  • In 2021, it was Prioritize, as we welcomed sweet Cassie to the world I wanted to make sure I was focusing on the things that mattered.
  • In 2022, it was Savor as I strived to soak up every little moment of motherhood.
  • In 2023, it was Consistency, to try to stick with things instead of starting new things and not seeing them through.
  • In 2024, it was Elevate, to help push me forward and make radical change.

This year I wanted to focus more on what mattered very similar to my Prioritize year. But that was more of a Prioritize because I had a new baby/survival mode situation. This year I want to be very intentional with what I spend my time on and focus on what I’m building. What is my life’s work? How would I want to be remembered? What do I want to build for my daughter, family, and business? I have been very aware that I am building core memories and routines for Cassie that will stay with her for the rest of her life. So what kind of person am I? What kind of mother do I want to be?

This led to me choosing LEGACY for 2025!

In everything I do, I will consider the legacy it is building towards. As a mother, you automatically create a powerful legacy for your child. You will be the source of their childhood memories and lay the foundation for who they will become. So how do I want my daughter to see me?

I also tend to get wrapped up and spend a lot of time on side projects that take away from the most important things in my life. So as I go through the year, I want to have a clear sense of what kind of legacy I’m trying to build so I know what things to block out and not give my precious time to.

Instead of being so specifically goal-oriented this year, I wanted to focus on the memories and the legacy that I’m creating. How do I want people to feel, what do I want them to remember? It’s not enough to just take the vacation but to make sure that I’m present in the moment and enjoying all the people who are there with me. Making memories and building a legacy is the sort of energy I want to bring to everything in my life this year.

I Iove adding a piece of jewelry to remind me of my word. I wore last year’s Elevate ring daily. This year I found a fun customizable bracelet from Bauble Bar ($34).

Legacy Bracelet

What’s your word for 2025? Let me know in the comments.

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One Little Word: Elevate

I first started choosing One Little Word for the year in 2019, and it made all the difference! Ever since then, I’ve chosen a word every year that helps guide me and gives me direction.

  • In 2019 it was Accomplish and I started my own business.
  • In 2020, it was Discipline, which helped me stay focused during the pandemic.
  • In 2021, it was Prioritize, as we were welcoming sweet Cassie to the world I wanted to make sure I was focusing on the things that mattered.
  • In 2022, it was Savor as I strived to soak up every little moment of motherhood.
  • In 2023, it was Consistency, to try to stick with things instead of starting new things and not seeing them through. I feel like I’ve done a good job with this one as I’ve stuck to so many new habits and processes that I’ve brought into my life. Which is what has led me to choose this year’s word.

2024’s word is ELEVATE!

When I was thinking about my word and what I wanted to accomplish in the new year, I kept coming back to the idea that I’ve been stuck doing the same things over and over again, but that I’ve not necessarily made any progress in some of the things I’ve been trying to be consistent at. I wanted 2024 to be the year that I took things to the next level.

Each word has helped push me forward, but I want this to be the year that I make radical change. I don’t want to get to December and realize that I have the same goals for 2025 that I’ve had every other year. One of the books that I’ve read recently that has helped me dig into this word is Atomic Habits by James Clear. In the book, Clear talks about getting 1% better and states “If you get one percent better each day for one year, you’ll end up thirty-seven times better by the time you’re done.” Between this theory and habit stacking, I can take that consistency and discipline to the next level and get incrementally better at reaching my goals one step at a time.

The other part of this is to not let outside factors affect my goal trajectory. This includes getting distracted and derailed by the little dramas that happen each day. And let’s be honest, there will be lots of life distractions, especially with a toddler, but the important thing is to get back to the goals as soon as possible and not let the distractions derail me.

For each word, I like to get myself a piece of jewelry that constantly reminds me of my focus for the year. I’ve done bracelets before, but this year I went with a gold ring from Lemon Lime Creations on Etsy. I’m loving it so much, I’m considering going back and getting rings for the other words.

What’s your word for 2024? Let me know in the comments.

For more Be the Best You posts, click here.

One Little Word: Discipline

Last year was my first year choosing One Little Word and I had a pretty mind-blowing year. It’s one thing I can definitely credit to my word selection. In 2019, I chose Accomplish as my word, and boy did I Accomplish some stuff. My biggest accomplishment was starting my own business, something that I had been dreaming about ever since starting the Miracle Morning. So let’s just say 2019 will be a hard act to follow.

Now that I’ve “accomplished” some pretty big things, 2020 is more about maintaining and building on these accomplishments. I wanted a word that embodied hard work and consistency. One of my favorite quotes from Jim Rohn is “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” This sums up what I need to do in 2020.

For 2020, my word of the year is Discipline! This year is all about staying on track and keeping the momentum from 2019. I hit up Target right away to get my own Rachel Hollis Priority Planner, Start Today Journal, and 2020 Vision Calendar so I could stay motivated. I’m loving them so far!

Last year I had a fantastic bracelet that helped keep my word top of mind and pushed me forward. This year I need something similar and I found this great bracelet on Etsy with an Abraham Lincoln quote that’s speaking to me, “Discipline is choosing between what you want now, and what you want most.” It’s only $25 and you can find it here.

Here are a few additional quotes and bible verses that reinforce Discipline for me:

What’s your word for 2020? If you are using Discipline this year I would love to see any other quotes you’ve found for it! Cheers to a fantastic 2020 everyone!

For more Be the Best You posts, click here.

One Little Word: Accomplish

I was recently introduced to Ali Edwards’ One Little Word program and decided that I wanted to try it for 2019. Her video below helps to explain the concept.

For 2019, I decided to choose the word “accomplish” to help lead me through the next 365 days. I have always had lots of goals and things that I want to do. I make big plans but sometimes I don’t always have the follow through on some of the bigger ideas. This led me to select “accomplish” as my word to help me focus on finishing everything I start this year. I can’t wait to share more details on how I’m accomplishing all my goals in 2019.


To keep this word close to me this year, I ordered a Reminder Thin Cuff Bracelet from Dogeared that says “Accomplish Magnificent Things.”

Accomplish Magnificent Things

To keep momentum on “accomplish” I found a few quotes and images to focus on. This first one sort of summed up why I chose the word.

What’s your word of the year? How will you incorporate it into your life? I would love to hear more ideas from you in the comments if you’ve done this in previous years.

For more Be the Best You posts, click here.

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