I’ve been meaning to write this post all year long, Cote des Roses has been my go to Rose for a while now! John brought it home one day and it has been my favorite ever since.

The bottle is definitely a highlight here, it’s like someone bringing you roses, but even better! The bottle was designed by Melitine Courvoisier, a student at the Ecole Boulle, as part of a design contest. The bottle is called “Soiree A Rose.” Her idea was to design a bottle that redefines the rules of seduction, “Wine is more often offered as a present to men, and flowers to women. I combined these two aspects, turned the bottle over and the idea was there!”

What I didn’t realize was that they also have a whole variety of wine in the same packaging. I have only ever seen the Rose, but if you see the other varieties in stores, let me know! The Rose is crisp and fresh, with notes of fruit and candy. It’s the perfect rose, not too floral.
If you’ve tried Cote des Roses before, let me know your thoughts AND if you have any great ideas on how to re-purpose the bottles share them below! I hate recycling them when they are SO beautiful.
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