I was recently introduced to Ali Edwards’ One Little Word program and decided that I wanted to try it for 2019. Her video below helps to explain the concept.
For 2019, I decided to choose the word “accomplish” to help lead me through the next 365 days. I have always had lots of goals and things that I want to do. I make big plans but sometimes I don’t always have the follow through on some of the bigger ideas. This led me to select “accomplish” as my word to help me focus on finishing everything I start this year. I can’t wait to share more details on how I’m accomplishing all my goals in 2019.

To keep this word close to me this year, I ordered a Reminder Thin Cuff Bracelet from Dogeared that says “Accomplish Magnificent Things.”

To keep momentum on “accomplish” I found a few quotes and images to focus on. This first one sort of summed up why I chose the word.

What’s your word of the year? How will you incorporate it into your life? I would love to hear more ideas from you in the comments if you’ve done this in previous years.
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