Today I have something fun to offer you; a flash giveaway to see Pitch Perfect 3 tomorrow night before it’s out in theaters! I don’t know about you, but I’m a huge Pitch Perfect fan and have had the best time with my friends seeing these movies. I’m actually a little sad that it’s over. But that just means that we get one acca-awesome farewell tour. You can see a little taste of that here:
I love the premise for this movie, because let’s be honest, you hasn’t had a hard time adjusting to life after college? Especially if your college experience was one of the best times of your life. To get prepared for one last call, here are some of my favorite Pitch Perfect accessories which may lend themselves to a killer night of karaoke some day soon. And if you would like to join me at the Pitch Perfect screening tomorrow night at 7 p.m. Please enter my giveaway below. I will be announcing winners throughout the next 24 hours so make sure to enter early for a better chance to win.
These Pitch Perfect buttons are the cutest! I wish I had them for the screening tomorrow:
You can find Amy’s “Make America Eat Again” hat from the trailer, here.
A Barden Bellas T-Shirt. This is so cute! I am definitely considering a group Barden Bellas Halloween costume next year – how fun would that be?
I’m pretty much in love with this Barden Bellas scarf journal. The real scarf is a custom design from Brooks Brothers and they aren’t available for sale, but you could get this cute journal instead:
I loved the official Pitch Pipe in the movies and thought I could make my own with this Bellas sticker and a real pitch pipe:
Now that you’ve seen my favorite Pitch Perfect products, enter enter here for your chance to win a pair of tickets to the advance screening of PITCH PERFECT 3 on Tuesday, December 19 at 7 PM at the MJR Troy. I will be announcing winners throughout the day so check back to see if you’ve won.
For more movie posts and recaps, click here.

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