This week’s episode begins with Paige (Serinda Swan) going undercover to make a drug bust. She gets arrested to keep up appearances and finds a new strain of marijuana on her bust. I smell a new case coming on. Paige wears a fur vest as part of her undercover persona. I found a similar one at QVC for $94.32:
Back at Graceland, Charlie (Vanessa Ferlito) is telling the house the story behind her great-great-grandmother Francesca’s famous spaghetti sauce. It apparently takes three days to make and is amazing.
Paige can’t get the DEA to approve her case so she needs to bring Jakes (Brandon Jay McLaren) and Johnny (Manny Montana) in to meet with the potential mark. Because they are working his angle with Latin gang contacts Charlie has to give Johnny some fake gang tattoos to look the part.
Mike (Aaron Tveit) is still flirting with Abby (Jenn Proske), his new love interest but Briggs (Daniel Sunjata) interrupts with a call and new assignment from Bello (Gbenga Akinnagbe). When they meet with Eddie (Sheaun McKinney) they find that he is seriously injured from the last encounter they had with Bello. The good new is that Bello still trusts them, the bad news is that he wants to speak with Mike alone. After his demonstration with the bears last week Bello wants Mike to teach his men how to shoot.
Jakes brings Johnny to meet his old contact, Ashika Pearl (Mia Kirshner). The initial introduction was a little dicey – Johnny almost blew it by going overboard on his Latin gang member impersonation. Ashika invites Jakes to come out the “the farm” where it is their job to get eyes on the illegal plants that she is growing.
Mike goes to teach Bello’s men how to handle and shoot their guns. The government has instructed him to stall, not really teaching them anything valuable. He has to convince them that they aren’t actually going to be shooting anything, but learn to understand their weapons.
Jakes, Johnny and Ashika meet at the farm to have dinner. Unfortunately, Ashika won’t show them the plants until the morning. Paige tries to call the sting off and Jakes wants to leave. Johnny insists on staying (mostly because he is trying to get laid) and stays for dinner with Ashika.
Eddie assaults Mike because he doesn’t trust him, but Mike is able to take him down. Eddie suspects that Mike and Briggs are the reason he got double-crossed in the last episode. They decide to bring Eddie in and play upon Bello’s trust issues. Charlie meets with Eddie and lays it out as if they are setting Eddie up to take the fall with Bello. They give Eddie the chance to walk away, we will see if he takes it.
Meanwhile at the farm, Johnny ends up sleeping with Ashika. She figures out he is a fake because his henna tattoos run off on the sheets.
Ashika launches a shootout in the barn, but Paige ends up saving the day.
Finally, Francesca’s sauce is ready, but before Mike can enjoy it he gets called away by Bello. Bello brings Eddie out to teach the rest of his men not to betray him. The irony is that Eddie was right all along but Bello doesn’t believe him. He gives Eddie Mike’s gun and Eddie takes his own life. Mike is so shaken up by this that he ends up bailing on his date with Abby. He tells her that he saw someone die in a car accident and she is sweet and tells him to go home.
When he gets back home all of the sauce night dishes are waiting for him. He is visibly upset by what he witnessed and doing the dishes almost seems therapeutic.
This was an interesting episode. It really highlighted the differences between Mike and Briggs. Mike showed concern for Eddie’s life and Briggs said that he signed up for it and didn’t seem to care. I hope that Mike continues to keep that vulnerable side of his personality because that’s what will keep him human throughout all of this.
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