On Sunday, John and I are celebrating our sixth anniversary. It’s rather fitting that the sixth anniversary is the Iron Anniversary because at this point our relationship has evolved into something so much deeper. After you go through so much together, the other person really becomes your constant and a source of strength in times of adversity. More than our fifth anniversary, this one seems like much more of a milestone as I feel like we’ve overcome a lot in the past year.
Every year of our marriage, I’ve always given John a traditional gift:
- Year one was the paper anniversary and I made a date book with a pre-planned date for each month of that year.
- The second year was the cotton anniversary and I got John a really cool Michigan recliner. Unfortunately, that got trashed in our sewage flood.
- Year three, the leather anniversary, I got John a pair of Johnston & Murphy leather topsiders that he had been eyeing.
- Year four, the fruits and flowers anniversary, I got us a lemon tree. The tree is still alive and did have a lemon growing on it at one point.
- Year five was the wood anniversary and John got a wood watch which he loves.
Here are a few of my gift ideas for the iron anniversary:
1. Monogrammed Forged Steak Brand ($49.95)
This is so adorable! I could either get my husband’s initials or you can also do a one-initial brand.
2. Le Creuset Cast-Iron Heart-Shaped Dutch Oven ($149.95)
This is too perfect not to include. A pink heart-shaped dutch oven?! What more can you ask for?
3. Hampton Bay Marshall Patio Chaise Lounge with Textured Silver Pebble Cushion ($159)
I’ve decided I want a chaise lounge for our backyard. I have no idea where I would put it or where it would even fit, but I’m envisioning myself lounging outside reading a book all summer and I want one.
4. Endless Summer Fire Pit ($181.99)
John and I have wanted a fire pit for the longest time and I love that this is a propane one making it easy to use. You could also replace the lava rocks with fireglass.
5. Fire Pit Cookout Kit ($49.99)
Once we have a fire pit, we’re going to want to make s’mores and hobo pies!
If you have any other ideas for the iron anniversary, I would love to hear them:
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Too fun! Looks like you’ll enjoy celebrating. Happy Anniversary!
Becki recently posted…Stitch Fix – Fix #6
Thank you!