CougarTown is back people!! Get your Big Tippis and join the Cul-de-Sac crew for a drink! In terms of fashion, I think I am a little bit of a Jules and Laurie so I will share a few of my favorite looks each episode.
We are picking up right where we left off with Laurie (Busy Phillips) and Travis (Dan Byrd) starting their relationship (finally!). Jules (Courtney Cox) is having a hard time getting comfortable with her son dating her friend, so she has decided to become a movie buff instead. She wears the J Crew Drapey Elbow-Sleeve Tee ($14.99):
For those of you that are just getting into CougarTown, it is sort of a joke with the writers that the name doesn’t really fit the show. So they always have a little joke in the opening credits:
It appears that Penny Can has gone global and Bobby (Brian Van Holt) is getting royalties. Now that he has money, Grayson (Josh Hopkins) decides that he wants to cash in on Bobby’s outstanding bar tab. Bobby doesn’t really get the point of this despite Grayson’s attempts to try to make him understand.
In the meantime, Andy (Ian Gomez) thought it would be a good idea to show Stan Nightmare on Elm Street and now Stan won’t go to sleep. Ellie (Christa Miller) is of the opinion that Andy broke it, so he should fix it.
Trav and Laurie are making out all over the place and Jules is desperately trying to be cool with it, but all of her tells are showing – high-high-fiving, the tone of her voice, and randomly spouting movie quotes whenever she feels uncomfortable. Laurie wears the Lovers + Friends Gracie Dress ($150):
As if this wasn’t bad enough, she walks in on them getting hot and steamy in the shower. This definitely gives her a reason to drink, not to mention she grabbed Laurie’s “honks” when she fell into the shower. The worst part is that she has a broken wrist to commemorate the occasion. Also, best quotes “This is the first time that one of us has seen Jellybean get Jellyrolled.” Classic.
Jules decides to keep pushing through to show Travis how cool she is with everything by having everyone talk about what they like in the bedroom. Obviously, Travis and Laurie find this weird, poor Trav! Jules wears an adorable hot pink blouson dress and I found a similar Dolce Vita Osana Sheer-Back Dress ($240):
I LOVED Laurie’s scarf print kimono style dress, which is the sold-out BCBGMAXAZRIA Blue Inesa Draped Scarf Print Dress. There are a few on sale on eBay:
Jules has to drown her sorrows in Big Tippi:
As Ellie finally realizes, Andy is just going to make the Stan problem even worse, so she steps in and has Tom (Bob Clendenin) to dress up as Freddy Krueger and tell Stan that he is moving away. It almost goes as planned until he ends up scaring Stan at the end.
In order to show Grayson that he appreciates all the free beer, Bobby gives him the used hot tub that he has acquired. It all goes wrong again when Jules catches Trav and Laurie in the hot tub. They just can’t catch a break! In the end they all just agree to power through…until next week that is!
What did you think about this week’s CougarTown?
If you missed the premiere, you can watch it online here.
For more information on Winter TV premieres check out my Winter TV Preview post.

I lvoe Cougar town, so glad it’s back. The Trav and Laurie story line eeks me out a little bit but it does add a bit of funny!
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