In this week’s episode of Cougar Town, Laurie (Busy Phillips) and Travis (Dan Byrd) adjust to becoming parents. Jules (Courtney Cox) and Ellie (Christa Miller) keep telling them how exhausting the experience is, but they have no idea what they’re in for.
While Grayson (Josh Hopkins) is busy helping Andy (Ian Gomez) get over Bobby, the girls jump in to run the bar. At first they think it is easy and have the best time, but they forget to lock up and loose all of the day’s profits after they are robbed.
Laurie and Trav think they have this baby thing on lockdown, until they start getting paranoid that they baby is too quiet and not breathing. Laurie wears a Happy Roses pullover by Wildfox (sold out). I couldn’t find a similar look, but I think I found a great sweatshirt that has the same spirit in this Joker Sweatshirt ($119):
Since Grayson knows that they made $3,000 the night before, Jules and Ellie have to work doubly hard to make double the money so Grayson won’t be the wiser.
Grayson is too busy with the Bobby Cobb Replacement Challenge to notice what they are up to. He gets three guys to compete to be Andy’s new best friend. None of those guys were replacement material until Andy realized that Grayson was his friend all along.
Meanwhile Jules and Ellie realize that they need to dress slutty to make money and tease all of the customers. Ellie’s makeup/outfit coverup shroud cracked me up! Grayson final uses Tom to catch them in the act and they have to admit that they messed up.
Laurie and Trav have completely hallucinated from lack of sleep, but they managed to keep baby Bobby alive! When Jules arrives, you get to see what a mess they’ve made of the house. Jules wears a Blue Sheer Combo Sleeveless Cocktail Dress (sold out). I found this similar Monrow Women’s Border Tie Dye Sporty Tank Maxi Dress ($135):
Grayson and Andy make the girls dance on the bar Coyote Ugly style to pay for messing everything up. I’m not sure how I feel about a Cougar Town without Bobby Cobb, but we’ll have to see what happens to the gang next week.
What did you think of this week’s Cougar Town?
If you missed this episode, you can still watch it here.
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