This week on the Bachelorette, Desiree and the guys visit Munich, Germany for their first international location. They run into Chris Harrison, who tells us that we have three dates this week with roses on the line for each of them. We have a one-on-one date, a group date and the dreaded two-on-one date (yikes!).
The first date card is for Chris, which says, in German, “In Munich, we can fall in love with each other.” Since it is Desiree’s first time in Europe they decide to explore Munich.
Desiree wears a sold out army sherpa jacket and the Steve Madden Intyce boots ($148.95). I found a similar looking Moto Jacket from Jou Jou for $44.90.
Back at the hotel, Bryden is having second thoughts about his feelings for Desiree and he decides to leave the show. A couple of notes on this:
1. Why didn’t he leave last week? He stole someone else’s spot, plus he didn’t need to waste time and money by coming to Germany.
2. According to Reality Steve, Bryden was photographed making out with a girl before he came on the show and now he is back together with that same girl…coincidence? I think not. To read more about the situation, click here.
3. Why did he have to do it in the middle of Chris’ date, that was bull****.
During Desiree’s ITM (In the Moment interviews), she wore the Townsen Tribal Intarsia Sweater ($79.20).
In the meantime, the group date card comes and it says “Will you climb the highest mountain for me?” It includes Juan Pablo, James, Kasey, Zak, Brooks and Mikey. This means that Michael and Ben get the two-on-one date.
Chris and Des head off to a formal dinner, and Des wears a beautiful Randi Rahm dress. I found two similar dresses in this color from DressProm2013 ($168) and AliExpress ($126.80):
Desiree and Chris open up about their past relationships and he writes a poem for her. I guess I’m not really the poem type of girl. I feel like it’s sort of awkward to sit there while someone reads you a poem they wrote for you. Maybe if he just gave it to her to read later it would be more romantic. It worked for Des though and she gives Chris the rose. They also got a private concert with Matt White (who?).
On to the group date! The guys visit the highest peak in Germany and learn how to yodel. Desiree wears the Canada Goose Women’s Solaris coat ($650) (ID Source: Possessionista):
The two-on-one date card arrives and it says “Let’s heat things up.” Obviously, Michael and Ben aren’t as excited for this date.
Back at the group date, Des and the guys get to play around with sleds and she takes them to an ice hotel. Zak and Des get some one-on-one time and we find out more details about him, like he was almost a priest. I really like Zak, I think he is interesting.
Des and James make a connection and this is where I believe the guys decide to take him down. I don’t have a problem with James, I think he might be a bit insecure about how Des feels about him, but I think he genuinely likes her.
Des gives the rose to Brooks, who has pretty much been the front runner this season.
On to the two-on-one date with Michael and Ben. I was not a big fan of how this date turned out. I didn’t have a problem with Ben (until he got in the limo) but I thought it was really rude of Desiree to let Michael go after him for the entire date. I wouldn’t have kept either of them, so I think she made a dumb decision. I wouldn’t want to date a jerk like Michael; he totally crossed the line.
The best part of this date with the HOT TUG!! That was AWESOME!!! It’s two bad she didn’t have better company for this one.
Back at the hotel, the guys start their takedown of James. I’m sorry, but what guy doesn’t come on this show and think that he could become the next Bachelor? If you don’t, you are kind of naive. How many relationships actually work out from this show? I think they blew this WAY out of proportion.
During the dinner date, Des wears a black and white colorblock blazer. I found a similar Michael Kors blazer for $160.
Des ends up sending Ben home and giving Michael the rose. When Ben gets into the limo, he sort of turns into a jerk, but I would be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt since he was probably angry and pissed off. Desiree treated him poorly at the end and I didn’t think he deserved to go out like that. I thought he showed a lot of restraint for not punching Michael in the face.
For the rose ceremony, Desiree decides to cancel the cocktail party, which means that the tattle tales can’t rat out James and Mikey (these guys are such drama queens!). Des looks very elegant and wears the Graziela Detach and Go in Rock Crystal Earrings ($480 ID Source: Possessionista):
She also has a black, one-shoulder formal gown on. It was tough to see since she wore her coat the whole time, but I found a similar option here for $139.18:
Desiree lets Mikey go this week and the rest of the guys are on their way to Barcelona. How funny was Drew’s face? It looked like he was going to explode when she called James’ name.
What did you think about Week Five of the Bachelorette?
If you missed this episode you can still watch it online here.
For more Bachelorette recaps, click here.
If you are interested in reading Bachelorette spoilers you can find them at Reality Steve.

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