On Monday, I was invited to attend the A Bad Moms Christmas screening and it was amazing. I decided to invite one of my favorite mom friends, Christena, to a night out for the screening.
This was the day before Halloween, so I wasn’t exactly ready for Santa yet, but I figured I may as well get a jump start on my holiday photo with the big guy:
Since it was Girls Night Out, we of course had to get drinks and Emagine was promoting Imagery’s Cabernet Sauvignon which was a great deep red.
We had a blast at the movie and I would love to see it again! One caveat is that it is very Christmasy so if you aren’t ready for all of that holiday cheer you may want to wait a few weeks to get in the spirit. On the other hand I will just plan to see it again, haha!
I love Christine Baranski from The Good Wife and The Good Fight and I could totally relate to her character and wanting everything to be perfect for the holidays. I will definitely say that Kathryn Hahn, who plays Carla, is my spirit animal – I am always trying to find the fun. Without further adieu, here is the trailer:
If you’ve seen it, what was your favorite part? Mine may have been the Taking Back Christmas rallying cry – that is totally something I would do. If there is a Bad Moms 3 in the works I would definitely see it – this was exactly the kind of movie fun with my girlfriends that I love.
I am excited to announce that I have a fun Bad Moms prize pack to give away to one lucky reader. It includes two Bad Moms wine glasses and the official Bad Moms wine lock to keep those kiddos out of your stash. Enter below and let me know your favorite Bad Mom:
Cheers to all the Bad Moms out there this holiday season!
For more movie reviews, click here.

This movie looks so funny. I really enjoyed the first one, and have watched it several times. Looks like you had a great girls night out.
I’ve heard a lot of the moms at my kids school pick up talking about wanting to go see this movie. There is a buzz for this sequel for sure!
Omigosh I want to see this. Hubby and I liked the first one, looks like the second one may be a great break for us from the holiday hub bub 😀 Thanks for sharing.
Becki recently posted…‘Twas a Girls’ Night Before Christmas GIVEAWAY
A fun filled film. Would love to see this with the wifey soon!
Ron@ApartmentsInMichigan recently posted…19 Historic Houses in Farmington Hills, Michigan
I love all of them! I can see parts of myself in them. I somewhat relate to Amy in some ways. But in other ways, I relate to both Carla and Kiki sometimes too. Just depends on the day.
My favorite character is Gwendolyn
Hard to pick just one
I like Mila Kunis’s mom character, but Kristen Bell is always also a favorite!
Becki recently posted…My Holiday Wish List – Day 1
“Who’s your favorite Bad Mom character?” Whoever Kristin Bell is playing!
I love them all because they are all different but blend so well. I love the one who is waxing the hair cuz she cracks me up and i like the dark haired one because she is fed up and so pretty. I cant wait to see it. I wish you were giving away the dvd. Thanks for the chance to win.
I dont have a favorite character.
I like Mila Kunis character.
I 💓 Mila kunis