I first heard of the Baby Foot Peel from my friend Erin who posted about it on Facebook. Imagine my surprise when there was a beauty product I had never heard of before. I immediately set out to learn everything I could about what the heck the Baby Foot Peel was.
Turns out, it is a pretty awesome idea, natural foot exfoliation. This was music to my ears because lately getting a pedicure is like torture for me, I have become so ticklish that it is hard to get through all of the scrubbing and buffing required to keep my feet sandal ready. So I was game to test this out. I also have been reading that filing your feet actually creates more dead skin and requires your calluses to grow back even stronger.
How it Works
Baby Foot Peel uses 17 different natural extracts which peel the dead skin from your feet. The main ingredient is Fruit Acid, or Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) which reduces the adhesive (desmosomes) that hold dead skin together.
I had some big calluses from sandals and heels and recently my heel calluses have started to crack from wearing sandals too much. I took some before pictures so you can get an idea of the results. I get pedicures every two weeks and this was at the end of a two week period.
How to Use it
To use Baby Foot Peel, you can purchase it from their website for $25. When you first get to the site there will be a prompt for your email address and they will send you a 10% off coupon, so I recommend doing that.
The kit comes with two foot booties and tape to help you secure the booties.
After reading various reviews, it is recommended that you soak your feet for about an hour before you put on the booties. I wish I would have done this, but I was in a hurry, so I just put them on after a shower. The booties will take off some of your nail polish, so I would do this before you paint your nails. I also would not recommend moving around in the booties. The mixture makes it slippery and it is easy to slip and fall. You could always put socks on over them if you really needed to walk around.
Once you use the booties, the peeling could start anywhere from a few days to a week. The whole process takes about two weeks. The more you soak your feet the faster it comes off. You’ll notice it more when you get out of the shower. Some people even recommend to soak your feet a few times a week during this process. When I do this again I will definitely soak my feet more throughout the process.
It took about a week for me to see any significant results. At first, your feet will get very dry, but resist the urge to put lotion on them. That is just the Baby Foot Peel working its magic.
When you Google search Baby Foot Peel pictures, you end up seeing crazy pictures of people’s skin peeling off like a snakeskin. My results weren’t that dramatic. The process was more like flaking or having all of your dead skin crumble off. I was able to go about my business and wear sandals and pumps for the most part. A few days the tops and sides of my skin were flaking off which was a little embarrassing when I was heading to a meeting, but that was the worst of it.
Here is the play-by-play of what happened:
The big question is would I do the Baby Foot Peel again?
Yes, I would. I initially expected more from the peel, but I did see good results. It significantly reduced my calluses and overall did a great job, without have to get a full pedicure. It didn’t fully get rid of my calluses, but I think it could if I continue to use it on a regular basis.
You can do Baby Foot again after waiting two weeks from your initial application. This is probably something I would do once a quarter to keep my calluses in check. The next time I do it, I will definitely soak my feet more to see if I get even better results. Baby Foot Peel recommends that you do this once every two months. I’m not sure if I could deal with my feet peeling that often, which is why I will start with once a quarter.
Have you tried Baby Foot Peel? What were your results?
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